Pirates of the Caribbean Slash
Potc Slash Fiction Linx


Potc Slash Fiction Linx

A Plague 'O Linx

If you spot any others out there PLEASE email me and tell me.

Small site dedicated to various slash fandoms including *gasps* what else? Potc. Feed the fandom, we're starving.
Nice, cozy community all about the slash. Particularly the Jack/Will pairing. *drools*
Functions as a message board and big, spacious compartment to store slashy Potc pairings in. Very active!
If someone can tell me how to get into this place, I'll kiss them.
Lovely, Lovely deviants! *Is proud to be a deviant* Since those jerks at FF.Net banished the NC's, they've devised their own means of retaliation with the marvelous webpage. They were also among the first to sport any Potc fics.
Great archive devoted to Jack/Will. Again, with much potential, and hopefully will be growing rapidly.
Sweet. That's all I can say...just check them out. Savvy?
Two Livejournal communities devoted to Potc fanfics below. (Het as well)
Intensely fabulous! Magnificent place for slashy fics. They've got everything. You'll get plenty of reviews too if you decide to write one.
One of my best friends started this community. It's been steadily expanding. *Glowers darkly* Go or ELSE.
Itty-bitty splash of a slash writer. She's started a great fic. Hope she finishes it.
Some good 'readin resides down here. *Nods*
Ah the gutter of all resources. I'm ashamed that I've resorted to posting it, but it shows what an addiction like mine to Potc fics can do. You may find jewels amidst all the refuse if you know how to look.
Earen began this. Fairly new, and is always eager for new slash.
Mainly Lotr slash (I love that too) but they also have began a Potc mailing list. Worth your while.
I crack up at the clever little title for this every time, as I love Will & Grace to pieces. Dedicated to Jack Sparrow. I mean- Captain Jack Sparrow.